Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What lessons learned do you have from your #mhealth experiences? #mhs10

Patricia Mechael, PH.D., Earth Institute - Top 10 Lessons learned across the globe in the mobile technology space for health: introduce participatory #mHealth models set benchmarks, create outcomes-based research, collaboration.
  1. "Capitalized on what others have done, what others have learned"
  2. "Evaluate impact of mobile tech to support behavior change"
  3. "Localize mobile solutions around content: need to use user-centric design models and involve end users all along the the prodcut development chain"
  4. "Look @ health outcomes in terms of mobile health"
  5. "Be realistic"
  6. "Invest in local talent"
  7. "Collaboration is more fun than competition - in the end we all benefit or suffer from how we collaborate"
  8. "Recycle, repurpose - Don't reinvent the wheel""
  9. "Public-private partnerships in ecosystem"
  10. We must unpack the pathways to mobile mediated behavior change" #mhs10 

1 comment:

  1. Best summary of lessons around HIT I have seen to date
